ABOUT Coffee Zombies

ABOUT Coffee Zombies

Coffeezombies.blogspot.com started off as wanting to be an informative blog about coffee, but now heck that and I'm just going to write whatever coffee.


Feb 3, 2012

First Cold Brew

The extract after I had filtered the coffee.
I finally DID it. I made my first cold brew following the instructions here[link]!

Details on what I did:
  1. I used two Aeropress spoonfuls of Peet's Major Dickson's Blend beans, grounded finely and combined the powder with 240ml of room temperature water in my 3-cup Bodum Brazil. I usually use two Bodum spoonfuls of coffee with 300ml of hot water if I do a french press. The link does not state the coffee-water combination so I thought maybe I should use more coffee with less water since it's a cold brew and won't be so efficient in extracting the flavours.
  2. Then, after stirring the mixture 10minutes into steeping time, I left it to sit for 24hours, as specified by the instructions.
  3. This morning, I put on my Brazil's cap and pushed the plunger, thus separating most of the grounds from the liquid. 
  4. Lastly, I filtered the liquid to ensure a clean cup. 
  5. No, I did not add kosher salt because I'd like to taste the original flavour of my food if possible. I'll only add flavouring if I know it'll taste very bad without it.

Review for cold version:
The aroma of coffee was noticeably weak in the cold version and I was a tad disappointed. I had always thought the aroma is one of the charms of coffee!

In terms of taste, it was... not bitter... and in fact, it was a little sweet, perhaps due to the cold water? And it still retained a teeny bit of Major Dickson's Blend's slight acerbic taste, which I like.

Maybe my concentration of coffee grounds and water wasn't right as I felt the coffee was a little diluted. I wouldn't add more ice or water to it.

Review for heated up version:

I poured some coffee out and heated it in the microwave for 2minutes, 45seconds and 15seconds respectively. In all three timings, I smelt bad aroma from the coffee with varying degrees, as if it was burnt. The longer it was microwaved, the worse the smell. However, when I tasted the coffee, there was no burnt taste.

I noted that the coffee did not taste anything like the hot brewed version.

I also tried pouring hot water to the coffee to increase its temperature. Since the cold coffee already tasted diluted, add hot water didn't make it better.

  1. The cold version was actually good, just a little diluted. If it were thicker, it would make a good iced drink when I return to tropical Singapore or if I stay here for summer. Hence, I would definitely brew it again tonight with greater ratio of coffee grounds to water. 
  2. If the coffee turns out thick, I'll try to add hot water again to see if the taste works. Breakfast and getting out of the house would be more efficient if I could brew more coffee at a go and heat it up over the next few days!
  3. Microwaving is definitely out due to the smell. 

Oh dear! I'm so careless I didn't read the cold brew link properly! There's actually a recipe but there were harsh comments and it didn't work well for other. Here's another recipe: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/27/dining/276drex.html. I think I'll try this one instead.

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